Friday 23 January 2015

The Journey of Clocks

Before the invention of clock or discovery of the idea of making a time measuring machines, people used to seek the hour of the day by sun or moon’s position. Then came the idea of using an hour glass, time passed as the sand seeped from one space to another through a small hole. Eventually as the time passed, patterns changed. It became quite hard to keep a check on sun’s direction. And watching sand drop became pretty boring. So this person well, about a century ago came with a thought; why not make something that works on its own. Decrease your work and shift the load to an artificially intelligent thing.
Put in some screws, join machinery and give it a power source and Alas! The know most commonly used watches and clocks came into life. The basic word clock comes from an old Greek word, which means bell. No why use a synonym of word bell for such a piece? The man who could answer this is quite dead now but one can make a few guesses. Maybe, it had to do something with the church bell as it stroke every hour, the needles moving in the clock strike every hour to show an hour. Or maybe it is the symbol or some metaphoric resemblances.
Work has been done on improving this system of keeping a check on time since the advent of clocks. They have been refined and enhanced to make them look as beautiful as their mechanism. At the present time clocks are the most favorite wall accessories.  Modern wall clocks are sold all over the world and internet. There is not a single decor shop where one cannot find a wall clock. The ones demanded most are Vintage wall clocks. These include Victorian, British and Asian designs from 1960’s. A nation, which forgets their past, is a lost nation. Owning these ancestor clocks, keeps people attached to their origin. Children wall clocks are another edition to this whole dazzling line. A collection is incomplete without something for juniors, as they are the building blocks of our future.

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